
Academic Registry

The Academic Registry is responsible for providing a wide range of academic administration services to students, staff and lecturers. We work collectively and collaboratively with all academic and administrative offices to provide integrated services to the SU community. In delivering the duties, the Academic Registry is under supervision of the Head of Academic Operations.

Grading Scales & Policies

Each faculty member shall keep a record of grades for each class for four major terms from the initial grading period.   Final grades for each term are recorded and archived in College Records. Grade point averages (GPA) for graduation and honors are calculated only on college level academic work which includes all work attempted by the student at all colleges he/she has attended. The final grades are used to calculate the grade point average.

Grade Points Scoring Criteria Description Grade Points
90 - 100
80 - 89
70 - 79
60 - 69
Below Average
59 or Below

An “I” grade (Incomplete or Hold) may, at the discretion of the Faculty, be given in courses for a student who has a reasonable chance of successfully completing the course. The student who has not completed the required course work by the end of the term may be required to provide documentation for extenuating circumstances. The student should make arrangements to have the “I” changed to a final grade by the instructor (by the agreed upon date) during the next full term (summer terms are not considered in this time limit). If no change is initiated during the next full term, the “I”will automatically become an “F” on the student’s permanent record. If the course work is completed, resulting in a passing grade, the student’s transcript will be amended and his/her final GPA re-calculated.

Course Catalogue

To view the courses descriptions

Course (List of All Course)

To view the list of SU course

General Education Courses
(AY 2022-2023)

Students at Sampoerna University (SU) benefit from a multifaceted and multidisciplinary education framework that includes cross- and interdisciplinary content. Communications, Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics are among the General Education course requirements

For a list of General Education Courses (AY 2022-2023).

Class Schedule

The class schedule displays all the classes that are open for registration in a given term. To register for the classes, please visit Student Portal for existing students, and contact Admissions for prospective students.